Free people of Europe; there’s a war on so to Hell with the ration coupons! Forget about your identity cards and throw on your finest Breton stripes. There’s a new late night hotspot to jitterbug the night away.
The fiver-to-enter Agents Ball is a new immersive drink and dance bunker in Borough designed to whisk revellers back to the debauchery of occupied France in 1943.
The long mirrored bar with its art deco phone and faded old posters is a nod to ‘Allo ‘Allo and champagne in coupe glasses is downed atop red checked table cloths. The wartime-inspired cocktails are strong and do their job. (They should at £11-a-pop! Beers and wine are less than a tenner.)Cabaret singer Chantal from ‘ze Champs Elysees’
The music is eclectic. From the Glenn Miller Band and a couple of wartime favourites to soul hits from the 1980s, all equally welcomed by the 20 and 30-something crowd.
Mais, attention the Agents’ ball follows straight after the Maman Le Mot immersive wartime game that takes place in the room underneath the bar. (This is a substantially less wallet-friendly £17.50 and with dinner £42.50) The good news: you’ll be partying with plenty of other glammed up 1940s-styled monsieurs and dames.
There’s also live entertainment. Special mention must go to the hilarious cabaret singer “Chantal” (ze Chanteuse from ze Champs Elysees) and her rousing Edith Piaf rendition.
The music fades around 1am but it’s friendly, fun and everyone makes an effort with their fancy dress. Verdict? Tres bien!
The Agents’ Ball is every Friday & Saturday from 11pm until late. Entrance £5 on the door.
Agents’ Ball bunker, Unit 3 Holyrood Court, Holyrood Street, SE1.
For more info visit: http://aplaceintime.co.uk/1943/