It’s hard to imagine that Fenwick will soon be no more in London. Although you’ll still be able to buy online, the iconic130 year-old Bond St store will be closing its doors for the final time on Saturday February 3rd.
After that the Charity Super.Mkt pop-up is taking up residence for two weeks. Founded by Maria Chenoweth and founder of Red or Dead, Wayne Hemingway it will be occupying the entire ground floor. All 3,000 square feet of it.
Launched in 2023 the self-described “department store for second-hand style” will feature both women and men’s fashion at affordable prices. The stock has been generated by four charity partners with all proceeds going to the charities involved: Shelter, Shaw Trust, Havens Hospices and TRAID.
After only a year, previous Charity Super.Mkt pop-ups have already sold 186,521second-hand items and stopped an estimated 53,289.05 kg of clothing going to landfill. As well as raising a whopping £1.57 million for charity, including Cancer Research and Marie Curie.
If you’re a bargain hunter and you like knowing your dosh is going to a worthwhiie cause, be sure to pop along.
Fri 9th Feb- Thurs 22nd Feb: Charity Super.Mkt pop-up
Mon -Sats 10am-7pm/Sun 12pm-6pm
Fenwick, 63 New Bond St, W1S 1RN
For more info click here
Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-7pm & Sun 12pm-6pm.
Alex Baker – PR & Comms Manager – alexbaker@fenwick.co.uk
Daniella Backer-Meurke – Media Relations Associate – daniellabacker-meurke@fenwick.co.uk
About Charity Super.Mkt
CharitySuper.Mkt is the UK’s first ever shop space bringing multiple charities under one roof. The story is simple: the new fashion, the best fashion, the most sustainable, affordable fashion is charity fashion. The collective is a concept for social and environmental good, where people can shop the best of charity retail all in one place. Charity Super.Mkt is headed up Maria Chenoweth, CEO of the sustainable clothing charity, TRAID and Wayne Hemingway co-founder HemingwayDesign and Red or Dead. www.charitysuper.mkt.com/press